State of the state is murky

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Gov. Jim Doyle did yeoman’s work Wednesday night night delivering somber news about Wisconsin’s budget issues which are sure to be exacerbated with the state of the economy and shrinking revenues. No one appointed me as the Siskel & Ebert of political speeches, but I just thought he struck the right balanced tone.

My personal interest was in what ways he would address health care. Would he take on big, bold new programs? (Apparently not.) Would he be content with Wisconsin’s achievements at covering the uninsured? (Only a couple of states do better.) Would he finally allow state tax deductions of HSA contributions? (Not a peep.)

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Beyond the message itself, to get the full value of the State of the State address, one has to watch the audience reactions to the governor. (You can easily do so at our state’s version of C-Span, Wisconsin Eye.) Getting Republicans to applaud (much less stand to) a Democratic governor’s proposals is no easy task but when that does happen, it surely must foreshadow legislation that will quickly pass.

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Such was the case for the proposal to require health insurers to cover autism treatment. I wish in a free market certain carriers would offer this coverage and have a competitive advantage for doing so but since ample time has been allowed for that to happen, I’m ready to concede there may be a need for this mandate … even though it will have an effect on premiums. (Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce costs that can more than offset a new mandate; those ideas are also percolating in Washington and Madison.)

All in all, I agree with the governor that tough times create opportunity. After the first bipartisan standing ovation, it seemed several others more easily followed. Perhaps this was symbolic of the realization (only now?!?!) that the time for divisive rhetoric has ended. At the end of the speech, everyone went off to various receptions. I would have preferred if they had rolled up their sleeves for a long night of work!

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Jon Rauser is president of The Rauser Agency Inc., Milwaukee. He writes an ongoing blog about the health care industry at

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