Rolston, David

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David Rolston,   President and CEO
Hatco Corporation

Milwaukee, Wi

What does your daily or weekly fitness regime consist of?
"Daily run of 1.5 miles, actually accomplished approximately 5 times per week. Weight lifting every other day for approximately 30 minutes."

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Other than the obvious health benefits, how has being fit improved your life?
"I have much more energy when I am physically fit. If I miss my exercise for several days in a row, I begin to loose my energy. Staying fit also gives me a much better self image and more confidence."

How does personal fitness affect your work life?
The additional energy from regular exercise and being fit makes work more fun."

Do you have a corporate health or wellness initiative?

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How does fitness or wellness affect your overall organization?
"We have had a smoking cessation program for several years. Many of our employees have used the program to stop smoking. This has improved our work environment and productivity, as well as the health of the workers. In summer 2006 we implemented a weight watchers program, with the company picking up half of the cost. Approximately 25% of our employees participated, resulting in dramatic weight loss overall, and for most of the participants. In November 2006, we announced a partnership with the YMCA whereby the company pays for half of a family membership. Many employees have told me that this program, in combination with the weight loss has made a dramatically positive impact on their life, and that they would not have been successful in their attempts if the company had not instituted the programs."

What advice do you have for other executives interested in starting either a personal fitness plan or corporate wellness initiative?
"Don’t wait. Don’t try to justify it economically. The health of your employees is critical to your long term success. You will see increased happiness and productivity among your employees, and you will experience reduced health care costs in the future."

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