Rising Stars in Law: Margaret Heitkamp

Class of 2022

Margaret Heitkamp, an associate at Husch Blackwell’s Milwaukee office, works with a range of clients. Her specialties include working with manufacturing clients to assess product liability, insurance coverage and related litigation risks. 

“Her interest in knowing precisely how products and services work is a true asset to clients in Wisconsin and nationwide. Heitkamp’s thoroughness in learning about her clients’ businesses has helped her secure numerous defense rulings, settlements, verdicts and favorable appellate decisions for her clients,” said Anthony Anzelmo, partner at Husch Blackwell.

Part of Heitkamp’s practice involves firm-wide pro bono work for civil rights plaintiffs. 

“Whether pro bono or corporate defense work, her experience demonstrates a commitment to achieving the best outcome for clients and a mastery of a litigator’s toolbox to accomplish client goals,” Anzelmo said.

Heitkamp also has acted as an executive committee member and the workflow coordinator for the summer associate program at Husch Blackwell’s Milwaukee office, helping steer summer associates toward preferred practice areas and build professional connections.

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