Pam Rushing in June joined Church Mutual Insurance Co. as president of subsidiaries and chief underwriting officer.
“Pam brings an incredible wealth of insurance knowledge to our enterprise, coupled with a commitment to strategic change, growth and cross-functional collaboration,” said Alan Ogilvie, president of Church Mutual. “She is an important addition to our senior leadership team and will help ensure our success for decades to come.”
Starting out in the insurance industry as an entry-level underwriting assistant, Rushing has proven to be a high achiever, according to Dawn Bernatz, assistant vice president of corporate communications at Church Mutual.
Among her accomplishments, Rushing led the growth of three small commercial- and middle-market property and casualty business units with a combined gross written premium of $300 million across the U.S. In addition, Rushing envisioned, created and launched a new specialty general liability business to provide enhanced capabilities and solutions to agents. The team she assembled was successful in achieving its top-line goal.