Notable Leaders in Accounting

Notable Leaders in Accounting: Dennis Martin

As chief financial officer of West Allis-based Beyond Vision, Dennis Martin has led the organization through a number of...

Notable Leaders in Accounting: Marc Cadieux

As chief financial officer at Children’s Wisconsin, Marc Cadieux has made a profound impact on the lives of hundreds...

Notable Leaders in Accounting: Daniel Bruins

Daniel Bruins, controller at Menomonee Falls-based Renaissance Manufacturing Group LLC, started as a finance and accounting leadership development associate...

Notable Leaders in Accounting: Brooke Vogt

Brooke Vogt, an accounting manager with Gilbane Building Co. in Milwaukee, specializes in project financial health and is responsible...

Notable Leaders in Accounting: Nancy Mehlberg

As principal at SVA Certified Public Accountants’ Brookfield office, Nancy Mehlberg leads the Management Advisory Services practice. “She drives innovation...
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Notable Leaders in Accounting: Shawn Selk

Shawn Selk, chief financial officer at Milwaukee-based Altius Building Co., has 20 years of experience within the commercial real...

Notable Leaders in Accounting: Vince Montemurro

Vince Montemurro began his career with Kenosha-based Riley Construction as a division accountant. In 2013, he was promoted to...

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