Waukesha State Bank is seeking to build a branch at Appleton Avenue and Pilgrim Road in Menomonee Falls.
The bank, which has 14 existing branches in Waukesha County, this month introduced the project to the Menomonee Falls plan commission. A public hearing will be held about the project at the July 9 plan commission meeting.

The proposed one-story branch would be 7,779 square feet, and located south of a Burger King that is being constructed on the same 2.9-acre lot, next to CVS. It formerly housed Griffin Auto Dealership. CVS bought the property in 2010. Three drive-thru lanes would wrap around the back of the building, which would face Appleton Avenue. Wauwatosa-based AG Architecture Inc. is the architect on the project.
Waukesha State Bank plans to employ seven full-time and two part-time employees at the branch. Additional interior space would be rented to another “office-type” tenant. The bank would also make a free community room available to community groups.
“Our president (Ty Taylor) has had his eye on this area for quite some time, looking for just the right property, because he looks at Menomonee Falls and the growth that it has and the residents and thinks that they’re a great opportunity for us to have a community to serve,” said Marynell Costa, senior vice president and operations manager at Waukesha State Bank.