Nonprofit Spotlight: Pink Umbrella Theater Co.

Pink Umbrella Theater Co.
1660 N. Prospect Ave., Unit 501, Milwaukee, WI 53202
414-507-3511  |
Instagram:  @pinkumbrellatheaterco   |  Twitter:  @PinkTheater

Year founded: 2018

Mission statement: The mission of Pink Umbrella Theater Co. is to promote and provide theater that is accessible and inclusive for people who identify with a physical, intellectual or emotional disability.

Primary focus: Currently, Pink Umbrella creates accessible theater for ages eight through adult by offering a wide range of classes focused on advancing acting techniques.

Other focuses: In 2020, we will produce a professional play, employing actors and artists who identify with a disability. Our organization holds residencies in schools as well as offers consultations in working with people of differing abilities.

Employees at this location: One dedicated volunteer executive director, eight professional teaching artists and dozens of unpaid classroom mentors and interns.

Key donors: Silverstein Family Charitable Fund, The Project Grace Foundation

Executive leadership: Katie Cummings, executive director/founder

Board of directors: Lesley Grider, Dawn Kellner, Chris Reibel, Ken Reibel and Jennifer Reibel

Is your organization actively seeking board members? Yes.

What roles are you looking to fill? Committee and board members with an expertise in marketing, event planning, donor development, physical, occupational and/or speech therapy and community engagement.

Ways the business community can help your nonprofit: Donate space to host classes and rehearsals, provide volunteer mentors in a classroom setting, attend a show and donate audio/visual equipment.

Key fundraising events:

  • Silverstein Family Charitable Fund Challenge Grant;
  • July 2020: A Night Under the Pink Umbrella, a fundraising dinner.