Cathedral Center Inc.
845 North Van Buren St., Milwaukee
(414) 831-0394 | cathedral-center.org
Facebook: facebook.com/TheCathedralCenter
Twitter: @TheCathedralCtr
Year founded: 2002
Mission statement: To provide a safe environment for women and families while working to end homelessness – one life at a time.
Primary focus: Emergency shelter and case management for women and families with children who are experiencing a housing crisis or instability.
Other focuses: Workforce development through Cathedral Center’s Women’s Independence Program and flexible housing through a partnership with Friendship House of Milwaukee.
Employees at this location: 42
Key donors: Bader Philanthropies, Catholic Community Foundation, Crossroads Presbyterian Church, Forest County Potawatomi Foundation, Friendship House of Milwaukee, Godfrey Family Foundation, Greater Milwaukee Foundation, Herb Kohl Philanthropies, Martin Family Foundation, Peter Geisert Giving Fund, The ROS Foundation, Rita Stevens Charitable Trust, United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County, The Ursula Fund, Women’s Fund of Greater Milwaukee and Zilber Family Foundation.
Board of directors: Debbie Granger, Paula Johnson-Boorse, Kristin Walters, Laura Lutter Cole, Marquette Baylor, Patti Dew, Molly King, Alicia Kopp, Jeremy Lucas, Kimberly Montgomery, Jessica Simons, Jan Uebelherr, Tracey Wellman and Portia Young.
Executive leadership: Donna Rongholt-Migan, executive director
Is your organization actively seeking board members? Yes.
What roles are you looking to fill? Individuals to serve on the board development committee and individuals with experience in commercial real estate dealings.
Ways the business community can help your nonprofit:
- Invite a member of Cathedral Center staff to share the mission with employees through an onsite presentation
- Attend an open house
- Host an in-kind donation drive
- Host a Do-It-Yourself fundraiser
- Workplace volunteering: organize sandwich/bag lunch assembly
- Volunteer at the Cathedral Center
- Sponsor or attend our annual fundraiser, Pathway Home
- Follow us on social media and like/share our posts
Key fundraising events:
- Empowerment Challenge, an online/social fundraising effort in March to raise funds and awareness of our mission
- Glitz & Glam: a Do-It-Yourself fundraiser hosted by Novel Women Book Club in May
- Pathway Home
- Year End Campaign