Getting there: Ranell Washington

Ranell Washington
Partnership development advisor at American Family Insurance
Age: 38
Hometown: Milwaukee 
Education: Bachelor’s in finance and certificate in real estate from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Previous position: Vice president of business banking at Town Bank

What does your role entail?

“I am tasked with developing the partnership strategy and long-lasting partnerships in the K-12, college/university and professional organization areas to ensure American Family has a diverse talent pipeline. I also assist in AmFam’s community engagement and neighborhood outreach in the surrounding areas where our new Milwaukee office will be on Historic King Drive.”

How has COVID-19 impacted your work?

“Typically, I’d be present at events and visiting existing and prospective partners to learn more about their programming and the audiences they serve. That work is now a virtual experience, or events have been postponed. I’m also working with my colleagues to assist in the development of a local and national strategy to support our existing partners and explore other areas that need additional support.”

What’s kept you in Milwaukee?

“The fact that Milwaukee hasn’t reached its full potential. It’s a city that is still under the radar and slowly is becoming desirable to people. However, there are still several looming challenges for professionals of color that need to be addressed.”

Biggest career motivation?

“There are a lot of individuals who planted seeds early in my life that helped me thrive in my educational studies and throughout my professional career. Those seeds have helped me realize the success I’ve attained. I want to continue doing the same for other rising students and professionals, so the narrative about our city changes.”

What keeps you busy outside of work?

“I am the co-founder of a young professional organization called Social X, which has the mission of engaging, retaining and attracting diverse professionals. I enjoy running and SX has a run crew called F.E.A.R. (Forget Everything And Run). Also, I’m active in ministry
in my church, Pilgrim Rest.”