Additonal Resources provided by our sponsors

Davis|Kuelthau, s.c. offers an array of innovative legal solutions to corporate, public, private and individual clients that range from small, midsized institutions to large municipalities and corporations. To help companies mitigate and manage risk during this unprecedented era, D|K has organized a multidisciplinary team to monitor and address the vast range of regulatory, litigation and transactional challenges faced by companies. Our daily summaries and webinar guidance are located at:

Novir brings together an unmatched team of medical experts, trusted partners and technology to deliver smart, fast and flexible testing solutions supported by reliable, cost-effective screening products.

Webcast Details


Thursday, March 18, 2021
3:00-4:00 PM

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Interested in sponsoring a webcast? To reap the benefits of the ultimate virtual marketing opportunity contact Linda Crawford, Director of Sales, to discuss opportunities. Webinar sponsorships are limited.