Additonal Resources provided by our sponsors

Davis|Kuelthau, s.c.

Do you have adequate cyber insurance?  With the increasing number of reported data breaches, having the current best practices in place to protect your business and employees is high a priority.  D|K assists businesses in assessing and acquiring efficient and effective cyber insurance.  In the event of a data breach, we help businesses respond, recover, and maximize their insurance.  Our complimentary resources are located at:

R&R Insurance Services, Inc.

With Cyber Crime impacting so many local organizations, R&R Insurance’s Cyber Crime Director, Jason Navarro, will explain HOW social engineering attacks are happening, and how to build a proactive plan BEFORE an incident occurs.

Webcast Details

Thursday, July 22, 2021
11:00-12:00 PM

Download Slide Deck

Presented By


Interested in sponsoring a webcast? To reap the benefits of the ultimate virtual marketing opportunity contact Linda Crawford, Director of Sales, to discuss opportunities. Webinar sponsorships are limited.