Romke de Haan, principal consultant for GuidePoint Security LLC, helps businesses address IT security and modernization at GuidePoint Security. From privacy to productivity, the Milwaukee-based technologist has found a few tools that work for him.
“Using platforms like 1Password allows the app to create and manage your passwords so you don’t actually have to remember them. And most importantly, they are unique for each account. I would recommend having an individual complicated password for this and the email service you use that you can remember just in case you need to revalidate the account.”
“I love learning. Being a technologist, you have to stay on top of what’s hot and upcoming in tech. Pluralsight has some of the most amazing courses for the geek in you to acquire new knowledge or sharpen those skills further. At only $35 a month for personal usage, the investment goes a long way. I try to do at least one module a day and it’s been a huge boost in my knowledge.”
“I have no idea what my life was like before tile. Spending hours trying to find my keys or wallet has been reduced to seconds with these lovely devices. You just simply attach it to your keys, or slide a Tile Slim into your wallet and you are now connected to the location of that item while it’s in your phone range. You can also connect the app to Siri. About once a week, I’m instructing to Siri, ‘Find my keys.’ What a time and stress saver!”
“One of my favorite hardware devices that is just launching this spring is the Winston home privacy device. I got to take this for a test over the winter and I am a total fanboy over it. It secures and protects your home from identity theft and keeps your connections private.”