Level Up Sustainability – Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council – Annual Conference

This year’s conference will take place on December 15th at The Ingleside Hotel in Pewaukee.  An optional  Pre-Conference workshop  “Leading the Sustainability Journey” will take place on December 14th at the same location.

Uncertainty remains the norm in today’s market. Covid continues to shape our actions, supply chains are disrupted, workforce challenges abound, and we continue to witness devastating natural disasters across the globe. Consequently, many companies are recognizing the need to level up their sustainability as a solution to these challenges. There is an escalation of investors’ interest in ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance), more companies are signing on to net-zero pledges, and more interest is being shown in sustainable and resilient business models than ever before.

We invite you to join other business leaders and sustainability professionals at our annual conference to learn, share, and discuss their challenges and successes. It’s a place to form and nourish valuable connections with other businesses working to advance sustainable principles and practices forward through the power of business.

This year, our goal is to support you and your organization in taking sustainability to the next level. Whether you are just getting started or have a developed sustainability program, we strive to support you in reaching your goals. Our content is selected based on participants’ recommendations. We have assembled a diverse and experienced array of speakers and subject matter experts to discuss a breadth of topics, from getting started in sustainability to crafting a carbon strategy for your business.

Register & Learn More: https://www.wisconsinsustainability.com/2021-conference


Dec 15 2021


All Day


The Ingleside Hotel
2810 Golf Rd, Pewaukee, WI 53072