Jason Liu
CEO, Zywave
“Undoubtedly, in any crisis, strong business leadership is required to help navigate through turbulent times. The recent events are different from the past, however, in that we now have a health crisis and a cultural crisis. For any executive, our ability to instill empathy, while addressing both personal and professional aspects of the issue, is essential. Our leadership is being tested and we need to raise our level of awareness and focus in these areas.”
Carly Chertos
Co-owner, Vibe Health and Fitness (Right, pictured with co-owner Samantha Link
“During uncertain times, it’s important to acknowledge the various emotions of clients and employees. To listen, to hear their needs and to move forward together from that place. Not only do we need to communicate a clear and concise action plan, but we as business owners need to listen from a more supportive role.”
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Carly Chertos[/caption]
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Terry Rowinski[/caption]
Terry Rowinski
CEO, Health Payment Systems
“During and after a crisis, leaders must operate not just from a place of sympathy, or even empathy, but with compassion. It’s not enough to recognize what others are experiencing, but to actively practice compassion by going out of your way to help others emotionally, mentally and physically.”
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Dr. Andrew Seter[/caption]
Dr. Andrew Seter
President and CEO, Sensia
“Sensia serves the health care needs of employers and employees. The COVID-19 pandemic has taught me the need to be as responsive as possible to an ever-changing landscape. Along with developing and implementing new services, our staff routinely researches the medical information and resources available in the community and shares with our clients.”
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Chad Ritterbusch[/caption]
Chad Ritterbusch
President,TRG Marketing
“This time has been extraordinary in that we’re navigating a deep economic crisis while trying to care for the health and wellbeing of others. I quickly learned the challenge was too big for me to tackle alone. I’ve been fortunate to work with our staff to chart a course that is best for us and our many clients.”