Founded: 2017 | Employees: 18
Funding raised: $4.2 million
Product or service: Green hydrogen electrolyzer for industry
Milwaukee-based Advanced Ionics Inc. is developing a green hydrogen electrolyzer for industrial hydrogen producers and users. The company’s system combines breakthrough electrolyzer technology with on-site waste heat, allowing companies to achieve sustainability without sacrificing profit.
What are the next key steps in the development of your company and/or your product?
Chad Mason, chief executive officer: “One, demonstration projects being deployed next year with key industry partners in petrochemicals, energy services and ammonia. Two, obtaining longer-term operating data for our systems, which prove reliability to customers.”
What do you wish you knew before starting the company?
“Raising funding is much more difficult and time consuming than anticipated. It’s a big drag on the speed for a company to execute.”
What’s been your mindset when overcoming setbacks?
“One, continue to push forward even when it’s difficult. Two, never stop seeking creative solutions. Three, talk to other people such as advisors, mentors, and other entrepreneurs. Four, embrace competition and see setbacks as an opportunity to learn and improve.”
What’s the number one thing needed to sustain a culture of innovation and/or growth?
“Be a rebel. Challenge existing dogma and groupthink. Encourage critical feedback amongst employees. Break down hierarchies and rigid reporting structures. Keep technical innovators in leadership roles and always ensure their buy-in.”