BizTimes Media provides news, information, strategies and operational insights for the owners and managers of businesses in southeastern Wisconsin. We report accurately, and fairly, about what is happening in the southeastern Wisconsin economy and business world and provide information to help our readers run their businesses better.
Fact-Checking Policy
Information reported in BizTimes Milwaukee is fact-checked with the use of government records and sources. Any errors that are found are corrected immediately.
Ethics Policy
BizTimes Milwaukee seeks to report information accurately and fairly. We serve our readers and our community and will not report information that puts individuals in danger or at risk of undue harm.
Corrections Policy
BizTimes Milwaukee immediately corrects any information found to be in error on its website. Errors in the print publication are alerted to readers in a brief note in the next issue of the publication.
Ownership & Funding Info
BizTimes Media is privately owned and is supported financially by advertisers, subscribers and event sponsors and attendees.