Milwaukee County 2050
Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 7:00 – 10:30 AM | Italian Community Center
This signature event focuses on the unique challenges facing Milwaukee County and how the residents will live, work and play in 2050. We’ll explore workforce development and leadership issues, focusing on training, transportation, economic development, access — and the future of business.
Prepare for the Future Today
Join us April 20th for a look at the issues shaping the future of Milwaukee County. A growing megaregion, demographic shifts, artificial intelligence, and continued advancement in automation, will all take center stage as topics that will either advance or limit the growth of Milwaukee County over the next 30 years. Take advantage of this opportunity to step back from day-to-day challenges and get an understanding what it will take to propel your business forward in the coming decades.
The program starts with a keynote presentation focused on future-proofing Milwaukee County. Business futurist Geoffrey Kasselman, CEO of Op2mize Energy, will cover underlying drivers of change, challenges and opportunities for Milwaukee County and the region, and potential strategies in areas like infrastructure, housing, employment, education, mobility and regional competition.
A panel with business and community leaders discussing a range of issues and breakout sessions will follow the keynote.
Make plans now; you’ll leave the morning with new perspectives and ideas to incorporate into your long-range planning and strategic thinking.
• David Crowley, County Executive, Milwaukee County (1)
• Abby Kursel, Partner, gener8tor (2)
• James Phelps, President, JCP Construction (3)