2020 Seminars

BizTimes Media’s 16th Annual VIRTUAL BizExpo | Business Strategy Seminars

Below are the 16 seminars offered at this year’s BizExpo.


DAY 1 | AUGUST 19th, 2020 SEMINARS 

The Secrets to Building a World-Class Cold Call Script   
Paul M. Neuberger, President, The Starr Group, Founder/CEO, The Cold Call Coach
Cold calling is NOT dead and can be an effective way to make connections and grow your business.
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The Missing Ingredient For Authentic Diversity & Inclusion
Alonzo Kelly, President, Kelly Leadership Group LLC
Critical thinking can have a major impact on workplace relationships
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Effectively Communicating VIRTUALLY in the Workplace.
Denise Thomas – President/Owner, The Effective Communication Coach, LLC
Effective communication techniques support you and your colleagues’ communication requirements.
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Marketing in the Fog
Chad Ritterbusch, Owner and President – TRG Marketing
Practical tips for B2B and B2C companies seeking to build awareness, stand apart and nurture prospects during a challenging time.
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Busting Your Prospect’s Status Quo Bias.
David Wallace – Chief Status Quo Prosecutor, Bay Ridge Consulting Group, LLC
A powerful approach to that early conversation with a prospect and open the door to more meaningful conversations.
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Keeping Your Data Safe With a Remote Workforce.
Mark Schafer, Chief Information Security Officer and Anna Bennett, Senior Security Engineer, SVA Consulting
Learn strategies to help you keep your data safe while allowing your employees to work remotely.
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Unwrapping Google’s Secrets to Rule the World
Christina Steder, EVP and Cassy Richardson, Search Marketting Director, Trivera
Learn about the recent changes Google has made to search, major algorithm updates and new search features.
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Transform Your Organizational Culture with Positive Psychology
Beth Ridley, Owner, The Brimful Life 
You will learn easy solutions that can be consistently implemented to foster a positive culture
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DAY 2 | AUGUST 20th, 2020 SEMINARS

The Best Paid Media Options for Filling the Top of the Funnel.
Joe Martinez, Director of Client Strategy – Clix Marketing, Michelle Morgan – Director of Client Services – Clix Marketing
Learn about the most cost-effective channels to get the most opportunity from limited budgets.
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The Art and Science of People-ing.
Donna M. Flynn, President/CEO, SkillsMastery Group Inc.
Leave with tools to build self-awareness, improve communication, handle difficult conversations and create accountability.
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Discover your Superpower – solve your workforce crisis 5 minutes at a time.
Steve Miller – Owner, Harmony Works
Reduce challenges with employee retention and increase satisfaction among your team.
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Leading people in the “next normal”
Kelly Renz, President & CEO – The Novo Group
The current workforce psychological and environmental requirements.
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Leveraging Technology to Optimize a Virtual/Hybrid Workforce
David Stamm, CEO, Stamm Media & Stamm Technologies
Join us as we cover how to utilize apps like Teams, Zoom, Egnyte, 3CX and more to become the most efficient virtual workforce yet.
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How to Use Content to Find Prospects, Build Trust, and Grow Your Business.
Eric Shanfelt, Founding Partner, Nearview Media
Authentic, valuable content engages and helps nurture and convert new customers.
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There’s No Training After Toilet Training.
John R. Howman – Trusted Advisor, Allied Consulting Group, LLC/Vistage
Why role development and selecting the right people for your team is the most effective way to build a winning organization.
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Why Digital Advertising is the Fastest Growing Marketing Tactic
Ryan Calzavara, Account Manager and Ryan Calzavara, Account Manager, Adcellerant
How It Can Help Grow Your Business – Target your audience wherever they are.
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Event Details

August 19 & 20, 2020

11:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Seminar Sponsor

Interested in sponsoring an event? To reap the benefits of the ultimate in-person marketing opportunity contact Linda Crawford, Director of Sales, to discuss opportunities. Event sponsorships are limited.