Home Ideas Viewpoints Update Wisconsin’s telecom law

Update Wisconsin’s telecom law

We have experienced some of the worst economic conditions, many feel, since the great depression and Wisconsin needs to do everything it can to keep and create jobs in our state. One significant way to do this is by having the state legislature update our telecommunications law.

Wisconsin’s telecom law was last updated in 1994 – 17 years ago. Technology and innovation have dramatically changed and improved our world since then, from how we communicate to how we do business to how we deliver services.

Unfortunately, regulations from the past are still in place and are hampering investment, economic development and advancements in technology. We need to update our law so providers are no longer required to invest in old technologies and can instead focus on investing resources in the new technologies – from wireless to broadband – that businesses and consumers demand.  It only makes sense that we modernize our law to reflect the advancements in technology that we all enjoy today.

Doing so will help keep Wisconsin jobs today and create Wisconsin jobs for tomorrow.  In fact, Wisconsin could create or keep 50,000 jobs alone – just by modernizing its telecom law – according to a recent Wired Wisconsin study. These are badly-needed jobs in manufacturing, health care, education, finance and telecommunications.

Other states – including many of our neighbors – have already adopted modern laws. Wisconsin needs to update its 1994 law and catch up to other states in 2011.

Wisconsin’s business, education and community leaders understand that Wisconsin can create and retain jobs and get our economy going again, simply by modernizing our telecom laws. That’s why a coalition of more than 100 leaders from across the state have sent an urgent letter to Governor Walker and legislative leaders, asking them to pass telecom modernization right away next year. The Milwaukee Urban League was proud to join that coalition. In order to create jobs now and in the future, it is critical that Wisconsin modernize its telecom law now.

Ralph Hollmon is president and chief executive officer of the Milwaukee Urban League.

We have experienced some of the worst economic conditions, many feel, since the great depression and Wisconsin needs to do everything it can to keep and create jobs in our state. One significant way to do this is by having the state legislature update our telecommunications law.

Wisconsin's telecom law was last updated in 1994 – 17 years ago. Technology and innovation have dramatically changed and improved our world since then, from how we communicate to how we do business to how we deliver services.

Unfortunately, regulations from the past are still in place and are hampering investment, economic development and advancements in technology. We need to update our law so providers are no longer required to invest in old technologies and can instead focus on investing resources in the new technologies – from wireless to broadband – that businesses and consumers demand.  It only makes sense that we modernize our law to reflect the advancements in technology that we all enjoy today.

Doing so will help keep Wisconsin jobs today and create Wisconsin jobs for tomorrow.  In fact, Wisconsin could create or keep 50,000 jobs alone – just by modernizing its telecom law – according to a recent Wired Wisconsin study. These are badly-needed jobs in manufacturing, health care, education, finance and telecommunications.

Other states – including many of our neighbors – have already adopted modern laws. Wisconsin needs to update its 1994 law and catch up to other states in 2011.

Wisconsin's business, education and community leaders understand that Wisconsin can create and retain jobs and get our economy going again, simply by modernizing our telecom laws. That's why a coalition of more than 100 leaders from across the state have sent an urgent letter to Governor Walker and legislative leaders, asking them to pass telecom modernization right away next year. The Milwaukee Urban League was proud to join that coalition. In order to create jobs now and in the future, it is critical that Wisconsin modernize its telecom law now.

Ralph Hollmon is president and chief executive officer of the Milwaukee Urban League.

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