Elm Grove-based Torke Wirth Pujara Ltd., a full-service architectural, interior design and structural engineering firm, recently launched a new image and changed its name to TWP Architecture.
The company says that the new image is the culmination of many driving forces, including the milestone of reaching 30 years in business and the recent relocation to new offices in the old St. Mary’s Church in Elm Grove, an historical landmark that serves as the gateway to Elm Grove.
"We are ecstatic with our new building and our new image. It really represents who we are and where we plan to go," said Steve Peterman, president of the firm. "We’ve spent many months working together to really define the kind of company we want to become. With the help of an outside consultant, the firm embarked upon a strategic planning process that really helped us to create a vision for our future. It’s truly a combined effort and approach to becoming better architects, designers and engineers, and still maintaining a very personal level of service to our clients."
The new brand identity involved a total redesign of the firm’s logo into a more contemporary look, maintaining the initials of the three founding partners.
More information about the company and its new image is available at www.twparchitecture.com.