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The American Deposit Management Co.

Kelly Brown
Robert Zondag
Robert Zondag

Industry: Financial Services
Year founded: 2009
Projected 2019 revenue: $39 million

The American Deposit Management Co. is a treasury management and financial services company specializing in providing full deposit insurance with the highest rates in the U.S. The American Deposit Management Co. is also a MSRB registered municipal advisor and has offices in Wisconsin, Texas and Arizona.

ADM has services that can be used by every industry in the U.S., which proves challenging when the company needs to focus on just a few industries and create marketing strategies for those industries.

Recently, ADM has expanded into a new sector called “commodity escrow” and chief executive officer Kelly Brown says, “it is exciting, fun, and, frankly, an industry that has been largely ignored.”

Brown says she hopes the company “in five years will look more like the ‘Amazon’ of financial services…it sounds lofty but I believe it is what we will accomplish.”

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

“A very wise woman once told me that as long as I was passionate about what I was doing, the respect would come.”

– Kelly Brown, chief executive officer

[caption id="attachment_487605" align="alignleft" width="300"] Robert Zondag[/caption]

1st-YEAR WINNER Pewaukee Industry: Financial Services Year founded: 2009 Projected 2019 revenue: $39 million americandeposits.com

The American Deposit Management Co. is a treasury management and financial services company specializing in providing full deposit insurance with the highest rates in the U.S. The American Deposit Management Co. is also a MSRB registered municipal advisor and has offices in Wisconsin, Texas and Arizona.

ADM has services that can be used by every industry in the U.S., which proves challenging when the company needs to focus on just a few industries and create marketing strategies for those industries.

Recently, ADM has expanded into a new sector called “commodity escrow” and chief executive officer Kelly Brown says, “it is exciting, fun, and, frankly, an industry that has been largely ignored.”

Brown says she hopes the company “in five years will look more like the ‘Amazon’ of financial services…it sounds lofty but I believe it is what we will accomplish.”

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

“A very wise woman once told me that as long as I was passionate about what I was doing, the respect would come.”

– Kelly Brown, chief executive officer

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