Expecting double the attendance at last year’s event, the state Republican Party has moved the bulk of its state convention activities on Saturday to the newly re-named Frontier Airlines Center.
The party had originally planned to hold much of the convention at the downtown Hyatt Regency, one of the hotels where delegates will stay. However, attendance for Saturday’s events has grown beyond the size of the venues available at the hotel, a party spokeswoman said.
Friday night’s chairman’s reception will still be held at the Harley-Davidson Museum, as previously planned, and Saturday night’s banquet honoring county chairmen, during which Karl Rove will speak, will still be at the Hyatt.
However, Saturday’s speeches from elected officials, the platform debate and the endorsement votes will be at the Frontier Airlines Center. Sunday’s slate of events will remain at the Hyatt. See an updated schedule of events: http://www.wisgop.org/atf/cf/%7b31211d4f-1bd4-4bbe-a817-34b7d50c188a%7d/UPDATED%20SCHEDULE.PDF.
– WisPolitics.com