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Rock ’n roll radio host

The Good Life

Jim Rosetti (left) stands with his arm around bandmate Antonio Wigley at a show in 2012.

If you’ve ever listened to The Biz Connection, a weekly syndicated radio show and podcast played on radio stations in Milwaukee and Sheboygan, you may have noticed the occasional clip of a Frank Sinatra or Dean Martin cover slide into the broadcasts, which focus on business topics.

You may not have noticed the songs were actually recorded by Biz Connection co-host Jim Rosetti.

Jim Rosetti (left) stands with his arm around bandmate Antonio Wigley at a show in 2012.
Jim Rosetti (left) stands with his arm around bandmate Antonio Wigley at a show in 2012.

Rosetti, who also works as a SCORE mentor, is in a band with his musician friend Antonio  Wigley, aptly named “Rosetti & Wigley.” Rosetti plays lead guitar and sings.

Over the past 10 years, Rosetti has traveled more than 350,000 miles playing shows at casinos, hotels and corporate trade shows all over the country and even in Canada.

“I started back in the ’60s when I was in high school,” Rosetti said. “I kind of worked my way through college playing music and performing. I’ve been doing it a long time. It keeps me young, man, it really does.”

Rosetti said lately, he’s been dialing back on long road trips to play shows, but he still tries to play two or three shows a month at different venues around Wisconsin.

“The nice thing about the casino gigs, it can be like a little vacation,” Rosetti said. “You get a (complimentary) room, and if you’re lucky enough not to be a gambler, you’ll go home with a little money in your pocket. I really like it when you’re connecting with an audience and you’re getting people dancing and really having a good time.”

Ben Stanley, former BizTimes Milwaukee reporter.

If you’ve ever listened to The Biz Connection, a weekly syndicated radio show and podcast played on radio stations in Milwaukee and Sheboygan, you may have noticed the occasional clip of a Frank Sinatra or Dean Martin cover slide into the broadcasts, which focus on business topics.

You may not have noticed the songs were actually recorded by Biz Connection co-host Jim Rosetti.

[caption id="attachment_141796" align="alignnone" width="770"] Jim Rosetti (left) stands with his arm around bandmate Antonio Wigley at a show in 2012.[/caption]

Rosetti, who also works as a SCORE mentor, is in a band with his musician friend Antonio  Wigley, aptly named “Rosetti & Wigley.” Rosetti plays lead guitar and sings.

Over the past 10 years, Rosetti has traveled more than 350,000 miles playing shows at casinos, hotels and corporate trade shows all over the country and even in Canada.

“I started back in the ’60s when I was in high school,” Rosetti said. “I kind of worked my way through college playing music and performing. I’ve been doing it a long time. It keeps me young, man, it really does.”

Rosetti said lately, he’s been dialing back on long road trips to play shows, but he still tries to play two or three shows a month at different venues around Wisconsin.

“The nice thing about the casino gigs, it can be like a little vacation,” Rosetti said. “You get a (complimentary) room, and if you’re lucky enough not to be a gambler, you’ll go home with a little money in your pocket. I really like it when you’re connecting with an audience and you’re getting people dancing and really having a good time.”

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