Home Industries Real estate profile: Timothy W. Hale

Real estate profile: Timothy W. Hale

senior property manager, BREOF BNK Midwest LLC

Company: BREOF BNK Midwest LLC
Title: senior property manager
Education: "Some college, pre-architecture, UW-Milwaukee."
City of Residence: Milwaukee
Family: "Married to Lori for 32 years, no children, Lori is a dedicated teacher for Milwaukee Public Schools (18 years), currently at Starms Discovery Learning Center, a year-round, neighborhood school."
Hobbies and Interests: "Photography, snorkeling, architectural design."
What are you working on? "At work – regional management of about 650,000 square feet of commercial office space in southeast Wisconsin, including the Chase Tower at Water and Wisconsin in downtown Milwaukee, and about 150,000 square feet of flex-space in Menomonee Falls. At home – remodeling kitchen and adding new master bath."
How does the market look to you? "We continue to see a steady flow of prospects, most looking at relocating within the downtown market."
What was the best deal you have ever been involved in? "A negotiation of a multi-floor world-wide tenant that resulted in naming rights for the building."

senior property manager, BREOF BNK Midwest LLC

Company: BREOF BNK Midwest LLC
Title: senior property manager
Education: "Some college, pre-architecture, UW-Milwaukee."
City of Residence: Milwaukee
Family: "Married to Lori for 32 years, no children, Lori is a dedicated teacher for Milwaukee Public Schools (18 years), currently at Starms Discovery Learning Center, a year-round, neighborhood school."
Hobbies and Interests: "Photography, snorkeling, architectural design."
What are you working on? "At work - regional management of about 650,000 square feet of commercial office space in southeast Wisconsin, including the Chase Tower at Water and Wisconsin in downtown Milwaukee, and about 150,000 square feet of flex-space in Menomonee Falls. At home - remodeling kitchen and adding new master bath."
How does the market look to you? "We continue to see a steady flow of prospects, most looking at relocating within the downtown market."
What was the best deal you have ever been involved in? "A negotiation of a multi-floor world-wide tenant that resulted in naming rights for the building."

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