Brookfield-based NAI MLG Commercial recently promoted five of its brokers. Brian Vanevenhoven, Chuck Redjinski, Curt Pitzen and Tim Brunow were promoted to senior vice president, and Ryan Persitza was promoted to vice president. Vanevenhoven is a retail broker who joined NAI MLG Commercial in 2000. Redjinski is the manager of the company’s Madison branch. Pitzen is an industrial broker who has been with the company since 1995. Brunow is an office broker who works in NAI MLG’s new downtown office. Persitza is an industrial broker who joined the firm in 2001.
Minneapolis-based M.A. Mortenson Company promoted Ben Anderson and Brad King to superintendent and hired Rob Myers as a senior project manager. Anderson joined the company in 2006 and is currently the superintendent for the Cedar Creek Wind Farm project in Grover, Colo. King joined Mortenson in 2005 and his current project is the Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee. Myers is currently working on the Aurora Medical Center project in the Town of Summit.