"The city of Waukesha has some issues that need to be addressed. I wasn’t afraid to raise those issues and ask the hard questions. That’s the first step to finding solutions."
– Jeff Scrima on his victory Tuesday over incumbent Mayor Larry Nelson. See more on the Spring Election in the WisPolitics Election Blog: http://blogs.wispolitics.com/election.
"This is a move toward modernization and a move toward fairness so Wisconsin can continue to be what they have been for years and years, and that’s a model for fairness and participation."
– Sen. John Lehman (D-Racine), on the approval of a sweeping election reform bill by the Joint Finance Committee. See more in the WisPolitics Budget Blog: http://blogs.wispolitics.com/budget
"A lot of people are very upset about all their data being used by other people without their permission."
– Sen. Alberta Darling (R-River Hills), arguing that an election reform bill is moving too quickly. The bill would – among many other things – enable the state to register voters through their driver’s license renewals and other state records.