Home Ideas Viewpoints PETA is a chuck roast short of common sense

PETA is a chuck roast short of common sense

Not only am I strongly, strongly opposed to what PETA plans to do on Canal Street outside the Cargill plant at noon today, but I think it is absolutely absurd and shameful.
If PETA protestors do what they say they’re going to do – have half-naked people spattered in fake blood and encased in Saran wrap dancing around like human cuts of ground round in the public right-of-way – it constitutes disorderly conduct and in my opinion should not be allowed under any circumstances.
To me, it’s ridiculous that the city attorney has caved in to the PETA threats of legal action (First Amendment) over this, and as the alderman for the area I believe my opposition should have been more solidly supported. If my position doesn’t hold sway, why even have the permit cross my desk? Why waste my time?
My constituents – including many who work at Cargill and put in solid hours week in and week out to support their families – pay me as their alderman to exercise a certain degree of common sense when it comes to approving permits and noise variances for everything from parades to block parties. It (approving the permits) is part of my job, and in this case I firmly believe I am doing my job.
But instead, our bureaucracy just buckles and tells PETA to “come on down with your fake blood and Saran wrap.”
A PETA official was quoted as stating that I “need to be introduced to the First Amendment.” No, I believe strongly that PETA needs to be introduced to common sense!
Further, while they are familiarizing themselves with common sense, I strongly suggest they do it while enjoying a nice steak sandwich.

Milwaukee Alderman Robert Donovan represents the city’s 8th District.

Not only am I strongly, strongly opposed to what PETA plans to do on Canal Street outside the Cargill plant at noon today, but I think it is absolutely absurd and shameful.
If PETA protestors do what they say they're going to do – have half-naked people spattered in fake blood and encased in Saran wrap dancing around like human cuts of ground round in the public right-of-way – it constitutes disorderly conduct and in my opinion should not be allowed under any circumstances.
To me, it's ridiculous that the city attorney has caved in to the PETA threats of legal action (First Amendment) over this, and as the alderman for the area I believe my opposition should have been more solidly supported. If my position doesn't hold sway, why even have the permit cross my desk? Why waste my time?
My constituents – including many who work at Cargill and put in solid hours week in and week out to support their families – pay me as their alderman to exercise a certain degree of common sense when it comes to approving permits and noise variances for everything from parades to block parties. It (approving the permits) is part of my job, and in this case I firmly believe I am doing my job.
But instead, our bureaucracy just buckles and tells PETA to "come on down with your fake blood and Saran wrap."
A PETA official was quoted as stating that I "need to be introduced to the First Amendment." No, I believe strongly that PETA needs to be introduced to common sense!
Further, while they are familiarizing themselves with common sense, I strongly suggest they do it while enjoying a nice steak sandwich.

Milwaukee Alderman Robert Donovan represents the city's 8th District.

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