The Parenting Network in Milwaukee is looking for volunteers to lead parent education classes and support groups in locations around Milwaukee County.
“We are seeing an increased need in the community for specialized parenting groups,” said Jan Buchler, executive director “With volunteers who have the time, skill and commitment to helping families, we can meet this need.”
The group is looking for volunteers to help lead its Dad Matters program; InsideOut Dad, a parent education program for incarcerated dads; and a Circle of Parents support group designed for different parenting populations but specifically for moms residing in transitional living housing.
Volunteers will be trained to facilitate or co-faciliate groups of parents and caregivers, Buchler said. Volunteer facilitators must be willing to commit to at least two hours per week for a full year.
Group Facilitation Skills Training will be held at The Parenting Network at 7516 W. Burleigh St., Milwaukee. The training is open to volunteers and professionals. The training runs 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 15 and Thursday, March 17 and 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Friday, March 18. A continental breakfast and lunch are provided. To register for this training series contact Ruth Miller at .