Amalia Todryk is a partner and the Wisconsin chair of the Estate, Trust & Wealth Preservation Practice Group at Quarles & Brady LLP in Milwaukee.
Recent client successes include negotiation and preparation of a multimillion-dollar charitable gift agreement for a landmark gift to a Milwaukee educational institution, according to John Emory Jr., president of Emory & Co.
“I have always been impressed with Amalia’s ability to help clients transfer stock in their companies to the next generation in a sensible and tax-efficient manner,” Emory said.
Todryk, for example, has worked with a closely held business valued at more than $1 billion and with its ownership held across multiple generations.
“She developed and implemented leveraged gifting programs for both first- and second-generation owners of the business to transfer significant ownership interests in the business to the next generation to reduce estate tax exposure while maintaining post-retirement income for the senior generations and ensuring the future viability of the business,” Emory said.
Todryk also advocates and advises for a wide range of community organizations, including the Medical College of Wisconsin Cancer Center, the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, the Wisconsin Humane Society and the Milwaukee Bar Association.