Jeff Bashaw stepped into his current role of Wisconsin market president of Illinois-based Credit Union 1 after leading its merger with Enterprise Credit Union, where he previously served as CEO.
“Several years earlier, Jeff was named CEO of Enterprise when it needed strong leadership to emerge from financial and compliance challenges,” said David Irwin, CEO of gThankYou LLC and former Enterprise CU board member. “During his time in leadership, Jeff restored the credit union’s financial health, shored up its position with regulators, grew assets and executed a quest for a suitable merger partner, in close collaboration with his board of directors.”
“The merger with CU1 is a testament to Jeff’s leadership and the attractiveness of the former Enterprise Credit Union as a Wisconsin entree for the $1.9 billion CU1,” Irwin added.
Credit Union 1 is a 65-year-old member-owned, nonprofit financial cooperative serving 120,000 members nationwide with 5,600 shared-branch locations, according to the company’s LinkedIn profile. CU1 has sponsored the Elmbrook Education Foundation, the George Moore IV Recovery Fund and Children’s Miracle.
Bashaw holds a bachelor’s degree in management information systems from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Lubar School of Business.