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Nonprofit People and Awards

Nonprofit Board Member of the Week
Name: Shelly Bertholf
Employer: Exciting Events
Title: nonprofit/corporate event coordinator
Nonprofit Organization: YP Impact
Nonprofit Address: P.O. Box 510441 Milwaukee, WI 53203
Website: www.ypimpact.org
Vision of the Organization: “It is our vision to engage and inspire young professionals with a social platform and opportunities for community volunteerism, which leaves a lasting impact professionally and personally. This networking and volunteerism – coupled with training – will allow our members to meet with peers, expand business contacts, and learn fundamentals of leadership, to prepare them for future career endeavors.”
How did you become a board member?
“I was introduced to YP Impact through Jon Armstrong, the organization’s current president.  I was looking to become more involved in the community and to be recognized as a resource for nonprofit organizations and young professionals.  As soon as I heard about YP Impact and the incredible balance it places on volunteerism and networking, I was intrigued and wanted to lend my support.”
How long have you been on the board?
“I have been on the board for about one year.”
How would you encourage others to get on a board?
“The first and most important step is to locate a cause that you are passionate about.  There are a lot of nonprofits that support a wide array of causes.  Once you understand what is important to you, it’s very easy to find a nonprofit that can correlate with your passion.  Nonprofits are always looking for dedicated professionals to assist in promoting their cause, which is why the biggest challenge is identifying what is most important to you.” 
What is your role on the board?
“I am the Volunteer Chair. I work with area nonprofits to ensure they are aware that YP Impact is a group that they can reach out to for volunteers. I also concentrate on utilizing the relationships we build within the community to create and organize our volunteer events for our members, which occur every other month. When organizing these events, I try to find opportunities that encourage teamwork, compassion and giving.”
Why do you volunteer?
“As cheesy as it sounds: It completes me!  I have been very fortunate in life and I want to help out those who may not have been as fortunate. Nothing beats the smile on a kid’s face when you hand them a new toy, or when you see an area transformed from simply picking up garbage for a few hours. I love making a difference and I love helping other see how the small things can mean so much!”
How can business people/the community help your organization?
“YP Impact is an organization that concentrates on the relationships that we build in the business and nonprofit community. As we move forward, we understand that our most important tool will be these relationships and thusly how our membership will grow.”
Best Volunteering Memory
“In high school I volunteered for a group called ARCh (The Association for the Rights of Citizens with handicaps), which performed presentations and skits for local schools.  During my junior year the group was invited to participate in the opening ceremony of the first Shaken Baby Syndrome Conference in Washington D.C. This is my best volunteering memory. Having the opportunity to participate in such a momentous event was an experience that I will never forget!”

If you or someone you know is on the board of an area nonprofit organization and should be featured as a BizTimes Nonprofit Weekly board member of the week please send suggestions to alysha.schertz@biztimes.com

Nonprofit Board Member of the Week
Name: Shelly Bertholf
Employer: Exciting Events
Title: nonprofit/corporate event coordinator
Nonprofit Organization: YP Impact
Nonprofit Address: P.O. Box 510441 Milwaukee, WI 53203
Website: www.ypimpact.org
Vision of the Organization: "It is our vision to engage and inspire young professionals with a social platform and opportunities for community volunteerism, which leaves a lasting impact professionally and personally. This networking and volunteerism - coupled with training - will allow our members to meet with peers, expand business contacts, and learn fundamentals of leadership, to prepare them for future career endeavors."
How did you become a board member?
"I was introduced to YP Impact through Jon Armstrong, the organization's current president.  I was looking to become more involved in the community and to be recognized as a resource for nonprofit organizations and young professionals.  As soon as I heard about YP Impact and the incredible balance it places on volunteerism and networking, I was intrigued and wanted to lend my support."
How long have you been on the board?
"I have been on the board for about one year."
How would you encourage others to get on a board?
"The first and most important step is to locate a cause that you are passionate about.  There are a lot of nonprofits that support a wide array of causes.  Once you understand what is important to you, it's very easy to find a nonprofit that can correlate with your passion.  Nonprofits are always looking for dedicated professionals to assist in promoting their cause, which is why the biggest challenge is identifying what is most important to you." 
What is your role on the board?
"I am the Volunteer Chair. I work with area nonprofits to ensure they are aware that YP Impact is a group that they can reach out to for volunteers. I also concentrate on utilizing the relationships we build within the community to create and organize our volunteer events for our members, which occur every other month. When organizing these events, I try to find opportunities that encourage teamwork, compassion and giving."
Why do you volunteer?
"As cheesy as it sounds: It completes me!  I have been very fortunate in life and I want to help out those who may not have been as fortunate. Nothing beats the smile on a kid's face when you hand them a new toy, or when you see an area transformed from simply picking up garbage for a few hours. I love making a difference and I love helping other see how the small things can mean so much!"
How can business people/the community help your organization?
"YP Impact is an organization that concentrates on the relationships that we build in the business and nonprofit community. As we move forward, we understand that our most important tool will be these relationships and thusly how our membership will grow."
Best Volunteering Memory
"In high school I volunteered for a group called ARCh (The Association for the Rights of Citizens with handicaps), which performed presentations and skits for local schools.  During my junior year the group was invited to participate in the opening ceremony of the first Shaken Baby Syndrome Conference in Washington D.C. This is my best volunteering memory. Having the opportunity to participate in such a momentous event was an experience that I will never forget!"

If you or someone you know is on the board of an area nonprofit organization and should be featured as a BizTimes Nonprofit Weekly board member of the week please send suggestions to alysha.schertz@biztimes.com

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