Home Industries Nonprofit Leader Spotlight

Nonprofit Leader Spotlight

Sherrie Tussler, executive director of the Hunger Task Force in Milwaukee

Name: Sherrie Tussler
executive director

Nonprofit organization: Hunger Task Force

Nonprofit Address: 201 S. Hawley Ct. ,Milwaukee, WI  53214

Website: Hungertaskforce.org

Mission of the organization: "Hunger Task Force is a private, non-profit community organization that exists to prevent and alleviate hunger."

Annual volunteer/fundraising event: "We are involved in fundraising and volunteer opportunities all year, but this fall we emphasize Food For Families."

What makes your organization unique? "We are locally established. We provide food absolutely free of charge and we are completely donor supported."

What is one key thing needed for leadership in the non profit sector? "A commitment to the cause."

Is your organization in search of board members? "Not at this time, because our board members are amazing and dedicated!"

How can business people/the community help your organization? "Run a food drive or contribute to an existing drive."

Why do you think people should volunteer or become a board member? "Because at the end of the day it feels good to know you made a difference."

Sherrie Tussler, executive director of the Hunger Task Force in Milwaukee

Name: Sherrie Tussler
executive director

Nonprofit organization: Hunger Task Force

Nonprofit Address: 201 S. Hawley Ct. ,Milwaukee, WI  53214

Website: Hungertaskforce.org

Mission of the organization: "Hunger Task Force is a private, non-profit community organization that exists to prevent and alleviate hunger."

Annual volunteer/fundraising event: "We are involved in fundraising and volunteer opportunities all year, but this fall we emphasize Food For Families."

What makes your organization unique? "We are locally established. We provide food absolutely free of charge and we are completely donor supported."

What is one key thing needed for leadership in the non profit sector? "A commitment to the cause."

Is your organization in search of board members? "Not at this time, because our board members are amazing and dedicated!"

How can business people/the community help your organization? "Run a food drive or contribute to an existing drive."

Why do you think people should volunteer or become a board member? "Because at the end of the day it feels good to know you made a difference."

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