Moore asks attorney general to block Walker plan

    Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee) today sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder seeking to ensure that funds from the recent foreclosure and mortgage-servicing settlement would in fact be used to assist troubled homeowners and not for other means.
    Moore’s request is in response to a decision by Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and state Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen to use a portion of the state’s $140 million share of the settlement to help the state budget instead of its intended purpose.
    “It is disingenuous for Governor Walker and Attorney General Van Hollen to siphon money from this agreement that was meant to help Wisconsinites to bailout the state budget. The funds from the settlement should be used as they were intended – to help the victims of the housing crisis in Wisconsin whose homes were foreclosed upon. As the language of the settlement agreement is finalized, I urge your Department to work in any way possible to include fair and concise guidelines to ensure these funds are used for their intended purpose,” Moore wrote.
    – BizTimes Milwaukee

    Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee) today sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder seeking to ensure that funds from the recent foreclosure and mortgage-servicing settlement would in fact be used to assist troubled homeowners and not for other means.
    Moore's request is in response to a decision by Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and state Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen to use a portion of the state's $140 million share of the settlement to help the state budget instead of its intended purpose.
    "It is disingenuous for Governor Walker and Attorney General Van Hollen to siphon money from this agreement that was meant to help Wisconsinites to bailout the state budget. The funds from the settlement should be used as they were intended - to help the victims of the housing crisis in Wisconsin whose homes were foreclosed upon. As the language of the settlement agreement is finalized, I urge your Department to work in any way possible to include fair and concise guidelines to ensure these funds are used for their intended purpose," Moore wrote.
    - BizTimes Milwaukee

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