It appears Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett will face a primary in his campaign for another term as the city’s top executive, even as some have suggested he may run against Gov. Scott Walker in a recall election.
Pressed about running against Walker, the mayor reiterated the candidacy he was announcing.
"I’m a proud candidate for mayor of the city of Milwaukee," he said. "I don’t know what the future holds in terms of that election or any other election."
Barrett was one of three mayoral candidates to submit nomination papers to the Milwaukee Election Commission by the Tuesday deadline.
The other two candidates were Ieshuh Griffin and Edward McDonald.
Griffin gained attention in 2010 when she sought unsuccessfully to have the slogan "not the whiteman’s bitch" appear next to her name on the ballot for state Assembly.
McDonald is a UW Extension faculty member. He said his campaign turned in over 2,600 signatures, but did not want to comment further until the election commission had verified them.
Candidates had until 5 p.m. Tuesday to file nomination papers. The election commission then validates the signatures each candidates submits. If more than two candidates gathered enough signatures, primaries will be held on Feb 21. If only one or two candidates filed enough signatures, then the race will appear on the April 3 general election ballot.