Jason Derby

Jason Derby

VP Maintenance Division

Advanced Waste Services, Inc.


West Allis

What does your daily or weekly fitness regime consist of? I run 3-5 miles 3x per week, bike 20 miles 2x per week and do a family bike ride on the weekends of 10-15miles. I do weights on nights I need to stay by the house and take my wife’s fitness classes at a local gym whenever she makes me!

What fitness clubs do you belong to, if any? JAM Fitness in Kenosha WI

Other than the obvious health benefits, how has being fit improved your life? Mental strength and relaxation

How does personal fitness affect your work life? Keeps my energy levels high, great stress reducer and gives me uninterrupted time to think about solutions. I find clarity at times when I am the most exhausted.

2010 Fittest Execs Sponsors:

Jason Derby

VP Maintenance Division

Advanced Waste Services, Inc.


West Allis

What does your daily or weekly fitness regime consist of? I run 3-5 miles 3x per week, bike 20 miles 2x per week and do a family bike ride on the weekends of 10-15miles. I do weights on nights I need to stay by the house and take my wife's fitness classes at a local gym whenever she makes me!

What fitness clubs do you belong to, if any? JAM Fitness in Kenosha WI

Other than the obvious health benefits, how has being fit improved your life? Mental strength and relaxation

How does personal fitness affect your work life? Keeps my energy levels high, great stress reducer and gives me uninterrupted time to think about solutions. I find clarity at times when I am the most exhausted.

2010 Fittest Execs Sponsors:

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