Flight For Life
2661 Aviation Road, Waukesha
(414) 778-5427 | flightforlife.org
Facebook: facebook.com/flightforlifetransportsystem
Twitter: @flightforlife
Mission statement: Flight For Life provides safe, high-quality, customer-oriented and efficient medical transportation, with a commitment to education.
Primary focus: Flight For Life wants to be the best part of your worst day. Flight For Life’s team of skilled critical care nurses, critical care paramedics and EMTs are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Whether providing care in ambulances or helicopter, Flight For Life believes everyone has a right to compassionate, dignified, high-quality medical care.
Other focuses: Flight For Life is committed to education, working with hospitals, fire departments, emergency medical services, law enforcement officers and dispatch centers to improve the quality of care in the communities it serves. The organization also recognizes the importance of preventing serious injuries, which prompted Flight For Life’s distracted driving campaign in 2016. Through the campaign, team members spoke to thousands of high school students, sharing firsthand experiences of dealing with the aftermath of distracted driving. Promoting safety at a national level within the air medical industry is also a focus of the organization. The organization received the 2011 American Eurocopter Vision Zero Aviation Safety Award, an honor that recognizes a program that demonstrates a high level of commitment to safety, both internally and around the industry.
Employees at this location: 121
Executive leadership: Robert Simi, executive director, Milwaukee Regional Medical Center; Dan Burns, executive director, Flight For Life.
Is your organization actively seeking board members for the upcoming term? No.
Ways the business community can help your nonprofit: Businesses that have employee giving programs can designate Flight For Life as a recipient, and provide in-kind donations to support the organization’s projects. In addition, donations to the Barb A. Hess Memorial Fund, which provides support for additional FFL staff education that is not covered by the organization, are welcomed.