Craig Coursin


Craig Coursin


M S I General Corporation



What does your daily or weekly fitness regimen consist of?

Walk about 3 to 4 miles per day. We currently have a pedometer challenge at MSI to do a minimum of 10,000 steps per day.

What fitness clubs do you belong to, if any?

none currently

Other than the obvious health benefits, how has being fit improved your life?

Being active with my wife and kids, having fun doing things like skiing, golf, etc.

How does personal fitness affect your work life?

It gives me more energy, and reduces stress.

Do you have a corporate health or wellness initiative?


What health/wellness organizations do you contract with, if any?

FAST Fitness

How does fitness or wellness affect your overall organization?

Gives us more energy, gives people something to team up and get behind. Long range it reduces health costs.

What advice do you have for other executives interested in starting either a personal fitness plan or corporate wellness initiative?

You have to lead the effort by example.


Craig Coursin


M S I General Corporation



What does your daily or weekly fitness regimen consist of?

Walk about 3 to 4 miles per day. We currently have a pedometer challenge at MSI to do a minimum of 10,000 steps per day.

What fitness clubs do you belong to, if any?

none currently

Other than the obvious health benefits, how has being fit improved your life?

Being active with my wife and kids, having fun doing things like skiing, golf, etc.

How does personal fitness affect your work life?

It gives me more energy, and reduces stress.

Do you have a corporate health or wellness initiative?


What health/wellness organizations do you contract with, if any?

FAST Fitness

How does fitness or wellness affect your overall organization?

Gives us more energy, gives people something to team up and get behind. Long range it reduces health costs.

What advice do you have for other executives interested in starting either a personal fitness plan or corporate wellness initiative?

You have to lead the effort by example.

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