Editor’s note: Linda Kiedrowski, chief executive officer of The Paranet Group Inc., a Brookfield-based consulting company for manufacturing companies, recently wrote the following letter to President Barack Obama and is sharing it with readers of BizTimes Milwaukee.
Mr. Barrack Obama
President of the United States of America
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D. C. 20500
Re: An Idea to Stimulate the Economy
Dear President Obama:
I am a small business owner in Brookfield, Wisconsin. My business, The Paranet Group, is a development and network organization for manufacturing company executives located primarily in southeastern Wisconsin.
I have approximately 250 members. Paranet has been in business for about 20 years.
While there is much buzz about the Stimulus Bill, I have to be honest and say that I am not sure how it will stimulate my business or most of the manufacturers in my network. This is probably ignorance as I find the 750 page document daunting. I will, over time, invite "experts" to advise my members on how and what the stimulus plan holds for them.
However, that is not why I am writing today. Today I am writing with an idea that would spur the economy immediately. What we need in this country is for people to start buying. The media needs something positive to tout to help our country get out of the depressed state it is in. I am tired of the gloom and doom and want to see some positive action. So, here is my idea:
National Buying Day.
Let’s pick a day and designate it as National Buying Day. Everyone will be encouraged to spend about $100, if they can, to help stimulate the economy. Buy that small appliance, new outfit, lawn mower, a couple shares of stock, etc! If people buy things, manufacturers can make them, service organizations can provide services, etc. That is the people’s part. The government’s part is to provide everyone with a tax credit equal to the amount (there may be a maximum tax credit limit) they spend on that day. People just need to present their sales receipts with their tax returns. Perhaps we even go as far as to say that all states with a sales tax forego that tax on National Buying Day.
Businesses could have special sales that day, etc. I am sure that there are probably lots of holes in this idea, but I believe the premise is good.
The media would have something positive to promote. It seems pretty simple to me. I really think this would be a win/win proposition. I look forward to your response.
Yours truly,
Linda G. Kiedrowski
The Paranet Group Inc.
13005 W. Bluemound Road
Brookfield, WI 53005