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BUSINESS @ A GLANCE WisPolitics.com

Name of company: WisPolitics Publishing
Web site(s) address: www.wispolitics.com, www.wisbusiness.com and www.wisopinion.com
Purpose of Web site and news services: Provides one central location for insider news and analysis.
Year founded: 2000
Total viewers per month: Combined across the sites, about 32,000 unique users
Any subscriber-based premium services: We have more than 450 subscribers to WisPolitics. Premium services that vary by subscription level. In a recent subscriber survey, subscribers rated the daily news summary, Friday Report and PM Updates as the most valuable news items we provide. Another exclusive service is invitations to WisPolitics and WisBusiness forums.
Key technology that makes your Web site work: Internet and e-mail
Revenue in first fiscal year: Not disclosed.
Revenue in 2002: Not disclosed.
Projected revenue in 2003: $350,000
Investment partners: I am one of several investors
Number of employees: 4

Name of company: WisPolitics Publishing
Web site(s) address: www.wispolitics.com, www.wisbusiness.com and www.wisopinion.com
Purpose of Web site and news services: Provides one central location for insider news and analysis.
Year founded: 2000
Total viewers per month: Combined across the sites, about 32,000 unique users
Any subscriber-based premium services: We have more than 450 subscribers to WisPolitics. Premium services that vary by subscription level. In a recent subscriber survey, subscribers rated the daily news summary, Friday Report and PM Updates as the most valuable news items we provide. Another exclusive service is invitations to WisPolitics and WisBusiness forums.
Key technology that makes your Web site work: Internet and e-mail
Revenue in first fiscal year: Not disclosed.
Revenue in 2002: Not disclosed.
Projected revenue in 2003: $350,000
Investment partners: I am one of several investors
Number of employees: 4

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