Bubbler Quote of the Week

    “The consensus among top economists is that the skills gap is a myth. High unemployment is mainly the result of a deficiency in aggregate demand and slow economic growth, not because workers lack the right education or skills. The skills of the labor force did not suddenly erode between 2007 and 2009, when the unemployment rate more than doubled, so it makes no sense to claim that high unemployment in 2009 and through today has been caused by a soaring number of ‘unqualified’ workers.”
    ~Dr. Marc Levine, senior fellow, founding director and professor of history, economic development and urban studies at UW-Milwaukee’s Center for Economic Development. Levine recently published a report on “The Skills Gap and Unemployment in Wisconsin: Separating Fact from Fiction.”
    Read Wednesday’s Milwaukee Biz Blog by Dr. Marc Levine: Wisconsin’s ‘skills gap’ is a fallacy

    “The consensus among top economists is that the skills gap is a myth. High unemployment is mainly the result of a deficiency in aggregate demand and slow economic growth, not because workers lack the right education or skills. The skills of the labor force did not suddenly erode between 2007 and 2009, when the unemployment rate more than doubled, so it makes no sense to claim that high unemployment in 2009 and through today has been caused by a soaring number of ‘unqualified’ workers.”
    ~Dr. Marc Levine, senior fellow, founding director and professor of history, economic development and urban studies at UW-Milwaukee’s Center for Economic Development. Levine recently published a report on “The Skills Gap and Unemployment in Wisconsin: Separating Fact from Fiction.”
    Read Wednesday’s Milwaukee Biz Blog by Dr. Marc Levine: Wisconsin’s ‘skills gap’ is a fallacy

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