As Republicans and Democrats fight nationally about whether to support or kill Amtrak, the national passenger railroad continues to score some impressive ridership gains here in Illinois that ought to enter into the debate.
According to figures released by Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., Amtrak ridership grew more than 100,000 on the four state-subsidized routes in Illinois in the past 11 months, jumping 5.6 percent to about 2 million.
Particularly notable was the boost on the Chicago-St. Louis line, which is being upgraded to service of up to 110 miles per hour, but where disruptive construction work is ongoing. Ridership on that line leapt 10.9 percent, to 619,000 — that after several similar gains in recent years.
Patronage gains also were recorded on service from Chicago to Carbondale, Quincy and Milwaukee — the latter up 2.5 percent, to 773,000.