Amanda Stein

Coffee Break


Amanda Stein
Director of marketing, Schroeder Solutions
1920 S. Calhoun Road, New Berlin
Industry: Commercial interiors
Employees: 60
Family: Husband, Steve Stein; Son, Holden (5); Stepson, Ethan (19)

What was the smartest thing your company did in the past year?

“Partnering with Colliers International on funding the Public Policy Forum’s report ‘My Generation: Surveying the Views of Millennials in Metro Milwaukee.’
“This new workforce is driving change in all aspects of the workplace – from the actual design of the interiors to creating a culture that is attractive to top talent. What was especially great about this study was that it focused on millennials in southeastern Wisconsin, making it a great tool to share with the companies we serve. Additionally, this process has been an excellent learning opportunity for our team. Having ‘lived’ the research, we can help companies make smart decisions about their office design to attract top talent from this new workforce.”

What’s new at your company?

“We are transitioning our marketing strategy to better showcase Schroeder Solutions’ services. While this is still in the developmental stage, it’s something I’m very excited about as the marketing director. We have historically presented our services in four distinct capabilities categories. We have introduced new services over the last several years based on our clients’ needs, but our marketing has not really reflected that in a concise way. Starting in the fourth quarter of 2016 we will be revamping our marketing material to showcase three divisions – interiors (design/office furniture), service
(move management/facility maintenance) and logistics (coordination of furniture, fixtures and equipment projects nationwide).”

Do you plan to hire any additional staff or make any significant capital investments in the next year?

“We plan to add to our design and sales teams in the near future.”

What will be your company’s main challenges in the next year?

“I see our main challenge as continuing to stay on top of the trends in our industry in order to educate our clients and partners. Companies want to know: Will a new office design really have a positive effect on my employees/business? Each company has specific nuances that need to be taken into consideration when answering this question and our challenge is to help our clients understand what will work best for their environment and then lead them through the process.”

What’s the hottest trend in your industry?

“The biggest trend I see happening in our industry within southeastern Wisconsin right now is one that has been building over the last few years – a focus on mobility in the office. More than ever, companies are adding height-adjustable capabilities to their workstations and private offices. From incorporating sit-to-stand workspaces in their remodel and adding desk-top solutions to existing furniture, to creating community treadmill workstations – companies are seeing the value in creating healthy workplaces.”
“Another trend that I personally love is office furniture that is less ‘office-like’ and more residential in nature. One of the products in this category is Teknion’s Upstage, which has a refined design that emulates high-end residential furnishings and allows for user personalization.”

Do you have a business mantra?

“I don’t know if it’s a mantra, but I am a people person much more than a business person. I feel that if employees are happy in their position at a company, they will perform at their best – so my focus is on creating the best company culture possible, knowing that the rest will fall in line when employees have fewer obstacles.”

From a business standpoint, who do you look up to?

“I follow a lot of female entrepreneurs on Instagram – two of note are the founders of Nena & Co. and Freshly Picked. It is incredibly encouraging and inspirational to see how these women created amazing and powerful brands while juggling their family/personal life, as well.”

[caption id="attachment_148233" align="alignright" width="350"] Stein[/caption] Amanda Stein Director of marketing, Schroeder Solutions 1920 S. Calhoun Road, New Berlin Industry: Commercial interiors Employees: 60 Family: Husband, Steve Stein; Son, Holden (5); Stepson, Ethan (19)

What was the smartest thing your company did in the past year?

“Partnering with Colliers International on funding the Public Policy Forum’s report ‘My Generation: Surveying the Views of Millennials in Metro Milwaukee.’ “This new workforce is driving change in all aspects of the workplace – from the actual design of the interiors to creating a culture that is attractive to top talent. What was especially great about this study was that it focused on millennials in southeastern Wisconsin, making it a great tool to share with the companies we serve. Additionally, this process has been an excellent learning opportunity for our team. Having ‘lived’ the research, we can help companies make smart decisions about their office design to attract top talent from this new workforce.”

What’s new at your company?

“We are transitioning our marketing strategy to better showcase Schroeder Solutions’ services. While this is still in the developmental stage, it’s something I’m very excited about as the marketing director. We have historically presented our services in four distinct capabilities categories. We have introduced new services over the last several years based on our clients’ needs, but our marketing has not really reflected that in a concise way. Starting in the fourth quarter of 2016 we will be revamping our marketing material to showcase three divisions – interiors (design/office furniture), service (move management/facility maintenance) and logistics (coordination of furniture, fixtures and equipment projects nationwide).”

Do you plan to hire any additional staff or make any significant capital investments in the next year?

“We plan to add to our design and sales teams in the near future.”

What will be your company’s main challenges in the next year?

“I see our main challenge as continuing to stay on top of the trends in our industry in order to educate our clients and partners. Companies want to know: Will a new office design really have a positive effect on my employees/business? Each company has specific nuances that need to be taken into consideration when answering this question and our challenge is to help our clients understand what will work best for their environment and then lead them through the process.”

What’s the hottest trend in your industry?

“The biggest trend I see happening in our industry within southeastern Wisconsin right now is one that has been building over the last few years – a focus on mobility in the office. More than ever, companies are adding height-adjustable capabilities to their workstations and private offices. From incorporating sit-to-stand workspaces in their remodel and adding desk-top solutions to existing furniture, to creating community treadmill workstations – companies are seeing the value in creating healthy workplaces.” “Another trend that I personally love is office furniture that is less ‘office-like’ and more residential in nature. One of the products in this category is Teknion’s Upstage, which has a refined design that emulates high-end residential furnishings and allows for user personalization.”

Do you have a business mantra?

“I don’t know if it’s a mantra, but I am a people person much more than a business person. I feel that if employees are happy in their position at a company, they will perform at their best – so my focus is on creating the best company culture possible, knowing that the rest will fall in line when employees have fewer obstacles.”

From a business standpoint, who do you look up to?

“I follow a lot of female entrepreneurs on Instagram – two of note are the founders of Nena & Co. and Freshly Picked. It is incredibly encouraging and inspirational to see how these women created amazing and powerful brands while juggling their family/personal life, as well.”

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